Isaiah 24:19–20 (ESV) 19 The earth is utterly broken,
the earth is split apart, the earth is violently shaken.
20 The earth staggers like a drunken man; it sways like a hut;
its transgression lies heavy upon it, and it falls, and will not rise again.
As I look at this world, I’m taken back to how much of this world is being shaken; from governments, the education systems, politicians, the world, to even church leaders. It is as though all these things that appeared to be on solid rock are more less hanging on broken tree branches as the storm rages. As I process all that is occurring around me, my heart becomes heavy, and If I dwell too much on sight, It is possible for me to find myself in a state of fear. The Bible tells us in Luke 21:26-27 there will come a time when people’s hearts will fail with fear, everything that can be shaken, will be. My personal opinion is we may be entering such a time, and if not, it might be in our near future. As I try to assess the time we find ourselves whether an epoch or “the time of shaking” the Bible mentions, we must look to the Lord. In my prayer time, I have asked the Lord, “What are you wanting me to comprehend, as I look around this broken world?” He has spoken to my heart and stated; He is a rock, He is a refuge, He is a shelter, He is a fortress, He is an ever-present help in time of trouble, He is hope, and He is the only foundation in which to build. This world is broken, and He is the only fix for our problem, the problem of sin. Yes, we live in perilous times, and we must remember, we are all broken and in need of a SAVIOR. The Bible tells us that even the creation moans for the return of Christ. I am reminded today, everything that I have put on a pseudo pedestal at one time in my life is being shaken. But not the One who holds my salvation, for only God is unshakable!!! God is on His throne, knowing what has happened, what is happening, and what is going to happen. I can rest in His sovereignty, His power, and His control, as everything shakes and even breaks. Oh my friend, if you find yourself in a puddle of anxiety, and cannot escape, we must go to the Lord in prayer. In the human condition, anxiety is normal, but as we face these times, we have a difference Maker. His presence is the game changer. We can go to Him and tell Him we are anxious. We have the privilege to cry our hearts before the throne of grace in a time of need, when we need mercy. God has given the remedy for times of anxious thought. He knows just how fragile we are. He cares for us, especially in times of shaking. Philippians 4:6–8 (ESV) 6 do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. 7 And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. 8 Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things.
whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things.