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Defeating the mind monsters

It is amazing how I can be minding my own business, then all of sudden, a scenario enters my thoughts playing out like a trailer for a movie. I may see a person who is tattooed and pierced from head to toe. Many unkind thoughts start attacking my mind. Now when this happens, I have two options. One, is to allow my thoughts to take control and be standoffish. Or, I can do as the Bible says and take every thought captive. Girlfriend, I always have a chose. I can act on my immediate thoughts and not be Christ-like. Or, I can listen to the Holy Spirit who reminds me to see her as He does. She is a person of worth, a person who needs to know the love of a stranger. She is a person who needs Christ. Now, this same process occurs when someone offends me and my thoughts run amok. Again, I can either respond with kindness, or I spew the vomit attacking my mind. Of course, if I allowed my machine gun reaction, oh my flesh would be satisfied, but my guilt would eat me alive. It is a no win situation!

Christian, it is not the initial thought that is the sin. It is allowing the thought to control us. It is ruminating the thought over and over which invites sin to enter the heart. Once this occurs, actions will follow. Sin takes action. When we allow our bad thoughts to enter our heart, we will speak those thoughts, then we will act upon it. This is the process found throughout the Bible. Interestingly so, this is the same process the fear monster uses as well. Fear will enter the mind, go to the heart and paralysis will follow. This leads to the struggle of believing God.

Christian, we never have to let our thoughts control us. We can take our thoughts captive in Christ. When Christ comes into our hearts, we have the authority to reject anything that is not from Him. This power includes any thoughts about others, or any thoughts which destroys your worth as well. Now, I know you understand to what I am referring. When Satan plays the same song over and over in your mind, “You’re no good, baby, you’re no good.” Well, my friend that is a lie! You have worth, because you were created in God's image. He loves you so much. Jesus died so you may obtain eternal life. You can be with the Lord forever. Beloved, you are highly valued and have purpose. Therefore, use the power Christ has given and defeat any monsters in your mind. You can fight this battle by replacing any monster with Scripture. God's word has the power to defeat: fear, condemnation, meanness, self-righteousness, etc. Truth defeats and sets all free.

2 Corinthians 10:4–5 "We use God’s mighty weapons, not worldly weapons, to knock down the strongholds of human reasoning and to destroy false arguments. 5 We destroy every proud obstacle that keeps people from knowing God. We capture their rebellious thoughts and teach them to obey Christ.and every high-minded thing that is raised up against the knowledge of God, taking every thought captive to obey Christ.” (NLT)

It is all in the training to think different. It may not happen over night, but it will happen if you spend time in the Word.

Romans 12: 2"Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God’s will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect."

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