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Life Of A Fisherman

I was watching the 700 Club the other day, and they interviewed a fisherman who had been affected by the oil spill in the Gulf. I was so taken by what he said that I decided to write about it. He was describing life as a fisherman. He said that we face heat, rain, and hurricanes to do our job.

Then he went on to say that you must love what you do, you must have a passion for this kind of work, and if you do, there is no better way of life. I thought to myself that he is describing a Christian, and now I understand why Jesus chose those anglers to be his first disciples. He knew that fishing for men took the same kind of fortitude that it takes to be a fisherman.

In our pursuit of leading others to Christ, we too face heat, rain, and hurricanes in the spiritual realm. Naturally, you must apply the second part of his statement as well, for we must have a passion and a love for the job. We must love this truth more than we love ourselves, for this truth will set people free. This love for humanity must be our driving force for us to get back in the boat and do what people of passion do as they fish for men.

If you truly love your life as a Christian, then there will be no heat, rain, or even hurricanes that will keep you away from following Christ, even in the deepest of waters. When the Holy Spirit guides you, you will tread any kind of water for the sake of Christ, because it is your life as a fisher of men!

Do you have a passion and a love for Christ? Will you weather any heat, rain, or hurricane to see others come to Christ?

Mark 1:16–20

18 And Jesus, walking by the Sea of Galilee, saw two brothers, Simon called Peter, and Andrew his brother, casting a net into the sea; for they were fishermen. 19 Then He said to them, “Follow Me, and I will make you fishers of men.” 20 They immediately left their nets and followed Him.

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